
Our Latest Campaigns

Year-Long Emergency Healthcare for 1,500 Pregnant Women - Ambulex Solutions.

- Cost-Effective Access: $12 per household for one year of emergency healthcare....


Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.

- Direct Aid: Launching the Aero Nero Airwell to deliver 500 liters of clean wat...


Empower Her: Gift Protection, Save Lives with HPV Vaccination

To ensure the success and effectiveness of our campaign, we have developed a det...


Empower Health: Sonvisage’s Impact in Sub-Saharan Africa

Combat Climate Challenges: Sonvisage leverages advanced technologies for swift d...


Saving Gaza's Babies with mOm Essential Incubators

Current Neonatal Care Crisis in Gaza:- Emergency Situation: The conflict in Gaza...


Sunlit Care: Solar Solutions for Maternal Health

Campaign Goal:- Objective: Raise USD 150,000 to equip 100 remote primary health...


Lifesaving Power in a Box: Clean Energy for Safe Childbirth

Thousands of mothers and babies in energy-scarce countries die each year due to...


Supply One Year of Life-Saving Oxygen to Babies and Children in Need

Every child deserves the chance to breathe, live, and thrive.You can supply one...


Ensure safe deliveries for 3,000 families with vela®, the reusable vacuum extractor.

1. Life-Saving Impact:  - Vacuum extraction is a crucial procedure that can...


Breathe Easy: Advancing Pneumonia Care with MamaOpe

Join us in transforming pneumonia diagnosis and treatment with the revolutionary...


Cooling wearables for 300 working women in Asia - Eztia

Eztia Corp is engineering a passive cooling wearable that protects people from e...


Revive Rio Grande: Fundraising for Flood Victims

Goal: Raise $20,000 to provide essential healthcare services to families devasta...


Empowering Communities with AI for Disaster and Health Equity

In partnership with UNICEF, Mobiva successfully piloted the Mobiva Citizen app i...
