To ensure the success and effectiveness of our campaign, we have developed a detailed methodology that outlines the steps and processes involved in providing free HPV vaccines to low socio-economy status moms. This approach leverages PrimaKu's platform and partnerships to maximize outreach and impact.

Here are the key components of our methodology:

- Transaction-Based Donation Model: Every 1 transaction in PrimaKu will provide 1 HPV vaccine for other mom in low socio-economy status.

- Awareness Campaigns: Utilize social media, events, and educational programs with expert and KOL to raise awareness about the importance of vaccination and encourage participation in the campaign.

- Monitoring and Reporting: Regularly monitor the number of transactions and the corresponding number of free vaccines provided. For every 500 transactions made through PrimaKu, 500 low socio-economy status mothers will receive free HPV vaccines.

- Partnerships: Collaborate with healthcare facilities and BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Board) to identify, reach out and provide HPV vaccine vouchers to low socio-economy status moms.

- Voucher System: Mothers receive free HPV vaccines by booking through the PrimaKu app using vouchers.

This structured approach ensures that our campaign reaches those who need it most while maintaining an organized and efficient distribution of vaccines.

Location: Indonesia

Deadline: 28 May 2025